Well, as my Strategic Communication and Emerging Media course comes to an end, you may notice fewer blog posts related to the topics we have been covering the past several weeks and possibly any post at all because as you can relate, life just gets so busy. But don't fret because I hope to continue posting, it may just not be as frequent as I have been posting every week.

From cell phone etiquette and social media strategies to crowdsourcing and personal branding, I hope the readers of my blogs have attained at least a fragment of information you can apply to either your personal life or professional career and use that piece of knowledge as you travel along your way. With that being said, I have thoroughly enjoyed diving into each of these topics (and more) and delving into each of them with all of you and hope to research some more topics related to strategic communication to share with you in the near future.

Like I said in my first blog post, I wanted this blog to be a learning environment for both me, as the writer and researcher, and you, as the reader, and also a hub where we can effectively examine all of the topics we covered and the communication and media that is always happening around us. After examining the makings of my blogs, I feel like I achieved that goal and I hope you think the same!

So, when something ends, there is always a goodbye but, in this case, I hope it is just a 'see ya later!' But if you knew me more personally, I don't like sappy stuff, so I'll be moving on now.

I've said this in pretty much all of my previous posts and I can't leave it out of this one because I feel like it's the most fitting one to end it with, but, as always, thank you for stopping by and checking out my 'column!' Stay tuned for future posts!

