John Irving, novelist and screenwriter, once said, "you only grow by coming to the end of something and by beginning something else." I think this is a rather fitting quote as I finish up one of my last classes of the term and soon begin the last term of the Strategic Communication master's program.

Even though this class is coming to an end, I still hope to update this blog to keep all of you informed as I continue my education and embark on a career that I am so looking forward to applying all of the information and knowledge I have obtained over the span of the program.

From topics like servant leadership and online advertising to crisis communication and vision, I hope those who have read any of my posts are able to take a piece of information and apply it to your own career just like I have as I have journeyed through this course.

Other than the insightful topics we have covered, I hope you have learned more about me both personally and professionally and I like to think I have given a better insightful of someone pursuing a career in the communication/marketing/PR industries, especially for those who have a particular interest of also pursuing a similar career as my own.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to continue a higher education and to consume as much knowledge as possible to become the most well-rounded communication professional as I can be.

As this post comes to end, I would like to finish with a quote like I started with one. "One part at a time, one day at a time, we can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves," -Karen Casey, author.

Like always, thank you for stopping by my 'column' and I hope to make new posts soon!

